If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, he or she is eligible to start school here in September 2024. Please contact Mrs Collis or Mrs Trewin, in our school office if you would like to have a look around telephone: 01798 342369 or office@petworthprimary.co.uk and we will arrange a time for you to come and see the school in action. The school is now closed for the summer holidays and we will reopen on Wednesday 4th September. have a lovely summer.


What is safeguarding?

Visitors coming on to school premises, including the playground, have a duty of care towards the welfare and safety of the children and adults in the school. This is called safeguarding.

Safeguarding means that:

  • children are protected from maltreatment
  • a child’s health or development is protected
  • children grow up with safe and effective care
  • action is taken to ensure the best outcomes for all children

Safeguarding is the action we take to promote the welfare of children in our care to protect them from harm. We take this responsibility very seriously and we work in close partnership with parents and professionals to protect all of our children. The school will take any reasonable action to ensure the welfare and safety of its pupils is maintained.

Our staff and governors have been trained on safeguarding in line with the KEEPING CHILDREN SAFE IN EDUCATION document and have taken part in 'PREVENT'.

If you worried about a child's safety you can contact MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) directly on 01403 229900


Who to contact in our school

If in doubt, talk to someone… Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr John Galvin, Headteacher


Designated Safeguarding Deputies

Mr R Neary KS2 Lead