If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, he or she is eligible to start school here in September 2025. Please contact Mrs Collis or Mrs Trewin, in our school office if you would like to have a look around telephone: 01798 342369 or office@petworthprimary.co.uk and we will arrange a time for you to come and see the school in action.

Oak Class

Welcome to Oak Class!

Miss Lenharth  - Class Teacher

Mrs Ford - Higher Level Teaching Assistant


Please use your unique login details to access Oak Class' homepage. 

In Reception the children are working within the Early Years Foundation Stage.  This is a continuation from the curriculum that your child will have followed if they attended nursery or pre-school.
There are 7 areas of learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Prime Areas
Communication and Language.
Physical Development.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
Specific Areas
Understanding of the world.
Expressive Arts and Design.
The children in Oak Class learn through a wide range of experiences, the majority of which are play based.  They take part in many different activities, some of which are child led and others that are adult guided.
The children take part in daily Phonics sessions.  We follow the Letters and Sounds scheme as well as using actions from Jolly Phonics.  There are 5 key skills that the children will learn through phonics:
1. Learning to recognise the letter sound.
2. Learning how to write the sound correctly.
3. Blending sounds together in words in order to read.
4. Segmenting the sounds in words in order to write.
5. Reading and spelling 'tricky words' (words that you cannot blend or segment).