If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, he or she is eligible to start school here in September 2024. Please contact Mrs Collis or Mrs Trewin, in our school office if you would like to have a look around telephone: 01798 342369 or office@petworthprimary.co.uk and we will arrange a time for you to come and see the school in action. The school is now closed for the summer holidays and we will reopen on Wednesday 4th September. have a lovely summer.

Latest Project

As a school we listen to the ideas that the children want to explore. Climate change is very much in the news at the moment and it is no surprise that it is at the fore front of the children's mind and they want to do something, which can have an impact in changing the way we use precious resources. Although changing the world does seem like a massive challenge, as one child stated, ‘We have to start somewhere!’

We have a very productive eco group, who promote various positive changes in the school from turning off unwanted electrical appliances, encouraging everyone to use less paper, installing water butts, growing our own vegetables and they have met with our Business Manager to ensure we purchase items locally whenever possible. 

However, it is not just the eco group who promotes different ideas. A group of year four children have taken it upon themselves to be litter busters. ensuring the school site is litter free as well as educating their peers in the importance of putting litter in the bins. Another group of children are collecting two-litre plastic bottles in their quest to build a plastic bottle greenhouse; one group are trying to encourage children to recycle their crisp packets by organising a collection point. We also have a group of children to trying to promote recycling their batteries responsibly and we have set up a collection point in our school.

As a whole school we have just installed solar panels on the school roof to teach the children the importance of using reusable resources and move away from fossil fuels. This did stem from children asking us about renewable energy and they even contacted County asking why there was a delay in the installation. 

Children just want to be involved and when given the responsibility and a little encouragement they can change opinions and attitudes, and perhaps one day change the world.